Course Schedule A01 with Jess
You are NOT required to purchase a textbook for this course. All readings will either be freely and openly available on
the web or will be accessible through the University of Victoria library.
- Bates, A. W. (2019). Teaching in a digital age – Second Edition. Retrieved from [Open online]. This text is free to access, and we will only be reviewing chapters 6 (Building an effective learning environment), 7 (Understanding technology in education), and 6 (Interaction). The first edition of this text is available in several different languages. Please find links to those translations here.
- Conrad, D. and Openo, J. (2018) Assessment Strategies for Online Learning. Au Press. Retrieved from: [Open online]. This text is free to access, and we will only be reviewing Chapters 1 (The Big Picture: A Framework for Assessment in Online Learning), and 4 (Authenticity and Engagement: the Question of Quality in Assessment)
- West, R. E. (2018). Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology: The Past, Present, and Future of Learning and Instructional Design Technology (1st ed.). EdTech Books. Retrieved from This text is free to access, and we will only be reviewing chapters 11 (Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism), and 21 (Using First Principles of Instruction to Make Instruction Effective, Efficient, and Engaging).
Course Outline
Date | Session, Topics, Activities, Reading | Assessment |
Weeks 1&2
Sept 4 – 15 (two weeks combined) |
Orientation | |
Week 3
Sept 16 – 22 |
Learning, Motivation, and Theory | Blog Post #1 |
Week 4
Sept 23 – 29 |
Learning Design I | |
Week 5
Sept 30 – Oct 6 |
Learning Design II | Blog Post #2 Learning Design Blueprint |
Week 6
Oct 7 – 13 |
Assessment | |
Week 7
Oct 14 – 20 |
Designing for Inclusion | Blog Post #3 |
Week 8
Oct 21 – 27 |
Designing for Interaction | Blog Post #4 |
Week 9
Oct 28 – Nov 3 |
Technology in Learning | Interactive Learning Resource (draft) |
Week 10
Nov 4 – 10 |
Making Accessible Content
Open Education and Pedagogy |
Nov 11 – 17 | READING WEEK | |
Week 11
Nov 18 – 24 |
Neuro-Myths | · Review of Peer’s draft resource |
Week 12
Nov 25 – Dec 2 |
Completion of Interactive Learning Resource projects | · Choose Best Blog (to be marked)
· Interactive Learning Resource Final |
Topics, readings, and schedule are approximate and may be changed. Since this outline is subject to change, please see your instructor’s schedule on the course website for updates.
Due Date | Details | Grade Allotment |
Oct 6 | Assgt 1: (Group) Learning Design Blueprint | 20% |
Nov 24 | Assgt 2: (Group) Community Collaborations – Interactive Learning Resource (Draft) Peer Review | 15% |
Dec 2 | Assgt 3: Contributions to the community
(blog posts (Ongoing), comments: Choose one by Dec 2) |
25% |
Dec 2 | Assgt 4: (Group): Interactive Learning Resource | 40% |
EDCI 335 A01 / CRN 11171 (Jess) Course Outline and Schedule
Topics, readings, and schedule are approximate and may be changed. Please check back regularly for updated information
Week 1&2 (Combined): Sept 4-15 Orientation
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the syllabus.
- Read the welcome to the course.
- Read the privacy, FIPPA, and consent tutorial.
- Review the Code of Conduct, then,
- Sign up for a WordPress blog no later than September 15 – then add a link to your blog in the following Google Doc Blog List.
- Customize your blog > Post a self-introduction to your blog – by September 15
- Form your learning pods and think about a topic for your Interactive Learning Resource collaborative project. A link to a signup page can be found on Brightspace.
- Join Mattermost and introduce yourself in the Town Square of our Mattermost: You can join by clicking the link below, and then creating an account name and password. NOTE: this link should only be clicked on a laptop or desktop machine. Using a phone or tablet may throw errors. Once an account is created, Mattermost works well on mobile devices, including apps if you want them. The “official” documentation is as good as any in explaining how to join or start channels, notifications, etc… and only takes a few minutes to look over the essentials. - Check Brightspace regularly for announcements.
Week 3: Sept 16-22 Learning, Motivation, and Theory
- Read any announcement on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- If you haven’t already, please complete the setup tasks from last week, e.g., WordPress blog set up and Learning Pod etc.
- Read the ‘Learning Theories’ post on the course blog.
- Read the post ‘Why is Learning Hard?’ and consider how learning design might be affected by a learner’s past experiences or motivation.
- Read the post ‘Motivation and Learning’
- Craft your Blog Post 1 and cite any resources used by Sunday, September 22. Make sure you use the title Post 1.
- Meet with your learning pod to introduce yourselves and begin planning a topic for your Learning Design Blueprint and Interactive Resource by Sunday, September 22.
- Read the Blueprint assignment, a template for the Blueprint, and another page with some further clarification.
- In your learning pods, discuss your response to the blog prompt. Please comment on the blog posts of your learning pod members. Try to aim to share feedback on the posts of one or two other classmates each time we blog. Make these comments as posts on your own blog and hyperlink back to the original authors.
Week 4: Sept 23 – 29 Learning Design I
- Read any announcement on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the post “What is Learning?”
- Read the post “Designing Learning,” including Chapter 21 (‘Using the First Principles of Instruction to Make Instruction Effective, Efficient, and Engaging’) of Foundations of learning and Instructional Design Technology
- Read the post “Planning Frameworks”
- Read the post “Learning Outcomes“
- Read the post “Constructive Alignment“
Week 5: Sept 30 – Oct 6 Learning Design II
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the assignment
- Complete an independent inquiry on one of the following instructional approaches within your learning pod (each of you should pick a different one) – Inquiry, Project-Based, Design Thinking, Direct Instruction, and Open Pedagogies.
- As you research, connect with other peers in class who will be exploring the same topic. Share information and resources! Give credit for the ideas, information, or resources you receive. Consider posting on Mattermost which approach you will be researching.
- Craft your Blog Post 2 and cite any resources used by Sunday, October 6. Make sure you use the title Post 2. In your blog on the instructional approach, share:
- An overview of the characteristics of the approach
- A discussion of how the approach does or does not align with your chosen topic.
- If it has a place in your final Interactive Learning Design (why or why not)
- It is fine if you post this one after the suggested timeline because the Blueprint is due on the same day. I encourage you to complete that task first.
- Please comment on the blog posts of your learning pod members. Try to aim to share feedback on the posts of one or two other classmates. Make these comments as posts on your own blog and hyperlink back to the original authors.
- Meet with your Learning Pod to discuss the above instructional approaches and select one that aligns best with your topic in Blueprint.
- Hand in your Blueprint Brightspace by Sunday, October 6. If you used Google Docs, please copy/paste a link with commenting privileges.
Week 6: Oct 7 – 13 Assessment
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the “Alignment and the Assessment Triangle”
- Read the post “Assessing Learning,” including Chapters 1 and 4 of Assessment Strategies for Online Learning,
- Read the post “Feedback” and the attached selection from Hattie’s book
- Read the post “Reliability and Validity”
- Read the post “Measuring Learning“
- Meet with your Learning Pod to begin drafting your Interactive Learning Resource, focusing on Assessments by Sunday, October 13. Begin with the end in mind to revise your assessments in your Blueprint and align them even better with identified outcomes. What assessment pieces will you include in your Interactive Learning Resource? Begin by isolating the verbs in your outcome statements and planning related verbs in your assessment piece(s). Consider how you may conduct formative assessment throughout and if you plan to include any learner self-assessment.
Week 7: Oct 14- 20 Designing for Inclusion
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the post Inclusive Learning Design
- Read the post Universal Design for Learning
- Craft the Blog Post 3 and cite any resources used by Sunday, October 20. Make sure you use the title Post 3.
- Please comment on the blog posts of your learning pod members. Try to aim to share feedback on the posts of one or two other classmates. Make these comments as posts on your own blog and hyperlink back to the original authors.
- Meet with your Learning Pod to continue drafting your Interactive Learning Resource, ensuring accessibility and inclusion by Sunday, October 20.
Week 8: Oct 21 – Oct 27 Designing for Interaction
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the post “Interaction”
- Read the post “Our Need to Interact,” including Chapter 9.6 Interaction: Teaching in a Digital Age,
- Read the post “Assessing Interaction“
- Craft your final Blog Post 4 entry based on this prompt by Sunday, October 27. Make sure you use the title Post 4.
- Please comment on the blog posts of your learning pod members. Try to aim to share feedback on the posts of one or two other classmates. Make these comments as posts on your own blog and hyperlink back to the original authors.
- When you have completed all four posts and comments for peers, choose the post that represents your best work and copy/paste it to Brightspace
- Meet with your Learning Pod to continue drafting your Interactive Learning Resource, focusing on interaction design, by Sunday, October 27.
Week 9: Oct 28 – Nov 3 Technology in Learning
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the post: Starting to Think About Technology in Learning including Chapter 7 of Teaching in a Digital Age,
- Read the post: Platforms for Learning
- Read the post: Promises and Perils of Technology
- Read the post: Social Media
- Post your final blog entry if you have not yet done so. Use the title Post 4.
- Meet with your Learning Pod to continue drafting your Interactive Learning Resource, focusing on the alignment of learning outcomes and activities/assignments with the affordances of technology, by Sunday, November 8.
- Signup for a peer review by Sunday, November 8.
Week 10: November 4-10 Making Content Accessible &
Open Education and Pedagogy
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the module about creating accessible content and review each of the linked resources
- Only create accessible content moving forward
- Read Open Education Pedagogy module and the linked readings
- Incorporate these concepts into your final Interactive Learning Resource
Reading Week: November 11-17
Week 11: November 18-24 Neuro-Myths
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Read the post: Fixed and Growth Mindsets
- Read the post: We Use 10% of Our Brains
- Read the post: Left Brain/Right Brain
- Read the post: Learning Styles
- Read the post: Remembering Pyramid
- Complete your first draft of your Interactive Learning Resource and share your resource with the peers who have signed up to offer you feedback
- Start reviewing one other group’s Interactive Learning Resource you’ve signed up for.
- Complete a peer review of one Interactive Resource as a post on your own site by Sunday, November 24.
Week 12: Completion of Projects & Final Reflection (November 25 – December 2, 2024)
- Read any announcements on Brightspace > found on the Homepage.
- Choose which best blog post you would like to submit for assessment, and then copy/paste the url in a text file to Brightspace by Monday, December 2.
- Meet with your Learning Pod to polish, revise, and submit your final Interactive Learning Resource by Monday, December 2. All members of the Learning Pod should submit the same document/link on Brightspace
Have a great winter!
Topics, readings, and schedule are approximate and may be changed. Although you are encouraged to follow the suggested timeline above, please feel free to work ahead at your own pace.