This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade and is the first component of your Interactive Learning Resource assignment.  It must be submitted before you submit the Interactive Learning Resource assignment. The blueprint is a cooperative activity which you will complete with the Learning Pod group you formed during Week 1 and submit for feedback. Like all assignments in this course it will take the form of a blog post in a WordPress site that belongs to someone in your group. One group member will then submit a link to the blog post to  Assignment 1 on Brightspace.

Please review the AI policy for this assignment.

In your groups, you need to collectively identify a concept or topic that you want to teach to a group of people. You can choose any topic you like but it’s often easier to choose a concept related to your academic major. Once you have identified your concept, you will create a plan for your Interactive Learning Resource, which should take a learner about 1-2 hours to complete. Think of it as a module in a larger course – it has specific outcomes but it doesn’t need to cover everything related to the subject.

The blueprint for this resource should include:

  1. An overview of the topic including:
    • A concise description of your topic citing at least 2 academic sources
    • 1-2 misconceptions about your topic. What do people usually misunderstand about it? What mistakes do they often make?
    • A rationale for developing your learning resource based on this topic. What is it about this topic in particular that is of interest to you?
  2. A learning design plan using the template attached. The plan should include:
    • One or two ‘big ideas (core concepts)’ related to your topic.
    • Learning outcomes addressing those big ideas.
    • Learning activities that allow learner to explore, experiment and actively engage with the concepts and prepare to be assessed.
    • An assessment plan in alignment with the learning outcomes you identified, e.g., quiz, final paper, report, discussion.
  3. A list of resources that your learners will need to access such as:
    • textbooks (see:,
    • scholarly articles (accessible through the UVic library)
    • ‘grey literature’ (professional resources, blogs, videos, etc)
    • technology tools (WordPress, Etherpad, Moodle, etc)
  4. A project plan showing who will be responsible for each element of the project.

This blueprint is intended to help prepare you for the final group assignment in this course – the Interactive Learning Resource. But developing learning materials is a process of discovery and revision so treat this as the starting point and feel free to change your ideas and approach as you learn more throughout this course. Make sure that you reflect on that evolution in your final assignment.