
Things We Did Well:

We focused a lot on doing an in depth review of google classroom, I think that this was an effective foundation for our topic and we highlighted how google classroom is not perfect but there are lots of great aspects to it. Each of us came up with some great tips that I think would be very beneficial for anyone trying to incorporate blended learning into their classroom. Eden asked a teacher for some advice and her opinions on blended learning and google apps specifically which was really great to keep things grounded.

What We Might Change:

Make our presentation flow together better at times we were a bit repetitive. For example we mentioned how it is good for teacher organization – specifically marking – multiple times, in fact each of us talked about it. We ended up having a longer presentation than we had thought and this would’ve been a good way to cut down without losing anything. Find a way to make it a bit more interactive. We could have used polls – I have recently learned about an extension for google slides (slido) that lets you have QR polls, word clouds, and much more.

Photo by on Unsplash


We picked a very relevant topic to education as most students will use google classroom at some point and understanding its value and downfalls will be an important advantage.Since this was a short presentation I think that we really touched on the foundational aspects of how blended learning and google apps work together but in the future I’d love to go in greater depth on specific aspects of the google for education suite such as how to make google slides more interactive or functions of google forums as I haven’t used them before and think that would be really useful. I have heard about the long training that google has for teachers and I think that would be a great summer to do.