Course Toolset
This website is the main hub for keeping up to date and connecting during our EDCI 336 course. The technology tools used in this course may be a little different than those you might be used to. We use a distributed course approach, allowing you to control and own most of the learning, networking, and reflection environments. One advantage of this approach is that you will be able to take all of your resources, contacts, and networks formed throughout the course with you! Below find links to your primary course tools.
Used for reflecting, documenting your learning, and building your portfolio. You will be using the version of WordPress which is hosted in BC by the BC university technology consortium called BCNet.
Used for private communications with your class, or private individual conversations with your instructor or classmates. An invitation to your classes Mattermost group is in your course outline.
Can be used for planning your open and technology inquiry projects and interacting with your instructor.

May be used for public, group, or private annotation on websites. Hypothesis also supports the public, group, or private highlighting of web pages.