Interactive Learning Resource is a cooperative learning activity which you will complete with the group/learning pod peers you formed in Class 1. This assignment is worth 40% of your final grade.

Your task in this assignment is to keep working with your group/learning pod peers to create an interactive learning resource or course based on your Learning Design Blueprint. It could be an actual resource like this one or a theoretical rationale completed in WORD/PowerPoint. Your learning resource will be reviewed by your peers before you submit it to your instructor during the final week of the course, and they will need to be able to complete the activities as if they were actual learners in your target audience. You must include the following in your resource:

  • An overview of the resource (revised from your blueprint and expanded).
    • A concise definition of your topic, citing at least two academic sources.
    • One-two misconceptions about your topic, e.g., what do people usually misunderstand?
    • A rationale for developing your learning resource based on this topic.
    • A description of your learning context/target audience/learners, e.g., High schoolers, professional development, learners’ age, interests, lifestyle, social factors, prior knowledge and experience, and any specific learning needs they may have (e.g., colour blindness, hearing loss, ADHD,  English language learner, single parent,  working full-time, no access to a computer, etc.), etc.
    • A description of a platform where your interactive learning resource/course will be hosted.
  • A description and rationale for the learning theory upon which your resource will be based (behaviourism, cognitivism, or constructivism).
  • A description and rationale for the learning design you chose (inquiry, project-based, direct instruction, etc.).
  • Alignment (revised from your blueprint and expanded):
    • Subtopics with a brief commentary about each (if you decide to submit a theoretical rationale).
    • Content for each subtopic (if you decide to submit an actual resource/course).
    • Essential questions about each of your subtopics.
    • Learning objectives that address each of your essential questions.
    • An assessment plan, including formative assessment activities learners, will complete and how you will provide feedback, summative assessment tasks, and how you will determine a learner’s final standing in relation to the outcomes. This might be a proficiency rating, complete/incomplete, a percentage, or a letter grade. Make sure you include a discussion of how confident you can be in your determination (if you decide to submit an actual resource/course).
    • Actual assessments (if you decide to submit an actual resource/course).
    • Description of one interactive activity for each learning objective/subtopic based on a resource aligned with that topic, e.g., blog post, video, article, etc. (if you decide to submit a theoretical rationale).
    • An actual interactive activity for each learning objective/subtopic based on a resource aligned with that topic, e.g., blog post, video, article, etc. (if you decide to submit an actual resource/course).
  • An overview of your plans to design for the inclusion of diverse learners you identified in your “ learning context/target audience/learners,” using the UDL Guidelines and specific CAST principles.
    • Actually, incorporate the UDL Guidelines into your resource (only if you decide to submit an actual resource/course).
  • A rationale for your technology choices.
    • You should use at least one, and ideally a combination, of the technology tools that we discussed in the course.
  • Links to each peer review of your resource.
  • A rationale for why you did or did not incorporate your peers’ recommendations into your final resource.
  • A bibliography or reference list of all resources cited.
    • Use whatever citation format you are comfortable with (APA, MLA, etc.), but please be consistent throughout.