Technology and Innovation in Education

Category Social Media

What Makes a Good Blog Post Reflection

As you start gaining experience in finding your blog voice and reviewing blog posts of your peers, you might start to get a sense of what makes a good blog post. Take some time to review the blog feed of… Continue Reading →

WordPress Portfolios

Before you start with WordPress, you need to make some decisions. Please review all 6 steps below to decide on your approach. Decide if you are comfortable being online. If not, you can document your learning offline (with technology). For… Continue Reading →

Creating a Blog on the OpenETC

For EDCI 336, we will be using the Open and Educational Technology Collective, hosted by a team of B.C. post-secondary education IT professionals on BCNet’s Educloud, so your data is stored not only in Canada, but within B.C. We have… Continue Reading →

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

Contributing to Social Media in the Context of FIPPA If while working, a teacher posts photos of their vacation on a social networking profile, it is unlikely those photos would be considered to be “in the custody or under the… Continue Reading →

Changing what Appears on your WordPress Homepage

The default display of most WordPress themes is the standard reverse chronological listing of published posts (newest stuff first). This works fine as a blog or reflective journal. With one small trick, you can take over the front page of… Continue Reading →

Podcasts on Teaching and Learning

Podcasts are handy for listening on the go, during exercise, or having on in the background. They’re also a great way to keep-up-to-date and learn more about teaching and learning. These are some ideas for podcasts to get started with… Continue Reading →

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