Thanks for your contributions to the class today and tackling the challenging moving target of Artificial Intelligence (AI)in teaching and learning contexts. This is something we will be hearing more about as we move forward in our careers. I hope the class gave you a foundation to consider the broader issues, ethics, and ways in which you might consider AI in teaching and learning. I do appreciate the recommendations to demystify AI, focus on the process of learning rather than just the product, honour learner agency and orchestrate multiple sources of motivation, and, perhaps most importantly, celebrate humanness!

Krystyn from Science Ventures also shared the slide deck from the guest talk, you can access it here.

To do list for this week

  • Post an update for your free inquiry project.
  • Create a weekly reflection blog post curating resources and ideas of interest from this week’s class.
  • Connect with your Learning Pod weekly to discuss the course resources, review each other’s blogs, and support each other.
  • You should be working on your Educational Technology Presentation at this point. Talk to your group to determine what format you would like to use, start conducting the research and planning, and connect with me if you have any questions.

Slides from this week

You can find the handout and slide showcase online too.