Learning Design for Technology-Mediated Environments

Category Learning, Motivation, and Theory

Learning Theories

Theoretical Perspectives What are some common theories about learning that help us to understand the science behind the action of learning? We will focus on three broad theories. As you read the selection linked below, please consider the following question… Continue Reading →

Why is learning hard?

You may be familiar with the challenge that it is to change someone else’s mind. If you have ever argued with someone whose beliefs are different from yours, whether they are a friend or a random stranger on the internet,… Continue Reading →

Motivation and Learning

Think of the last time you felt deeply committed to learning something new. What were you learning? WHY were you so invested in seeing it through? Our answers to this question quite often fall under a few categories: the need… Continue Reading →

[PROMPT] Learning, Motivation, and Theory

This is your first required post for EDCI 335 and maybe the one you choose to be assessed for your final grade (25%). After reading the posts in this unit and Chapter 11, ‘Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism‘ from Foundations of Learning and Instructional… Continue Reading →

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