Throughout the course, you will be contributing to our learning community on your own blogs by responding to blog prompts provided by the course instructors. You are encouraged to initiate your own posts in response to the materials and resources shared throughout the course, as well as linking out to materials and literature to support your thinking. For this assignment all posts will be read but you are asked to select your best post from your WordPress site and submit a link to it in Assignment 3 on Brightspace for indepth feedback.

Please review the AI policy for this assignment.

In addition to authoring blog posts, you will be expected to contribute to the EDCI335 learning community by commenting on the posts of your peers. Share your blog post links with your group, select posts of interest and provide feedback or ask extending questions. You must respond to at least one other post but feel free to read and interact with more. You’ll find that these interactions lead to increased traffic on your own blog, which will provide opportunities to have your thinking supported, questions to consider, and possibly new connections made.

Create a post on your site with links to all of the comments that you’ve made on other sites throughout the course so that they can be reviewed.