Technology Innovation in Indigenous Education

Category Media Development

Working With Graphics

The Multimedia Learning Hypothesis Learning is effected when multiple representations of content is offered. Simply, using both words and pictures is more effective than providing words alone. Educators can adapt and use multimedia to enhance learning in a multitude of… Continue Reading →

Creating and Sharing Screencast Videos

Recording what you are doing on your computer screen has become fairly standard for many educators, this is called a screencast. For flipped classroom activities or to have a video recording of a lesson that students struggle with, giving them… Continue Reading →

Using Educational Video

    Video has become an important resource for use in education. It is often integrated as part of traditional courses, serves as a resource for many blended courses, and may be the main information delivery mechanism in some fully… Continue Reading →

Adding Audio to WordPress

Text and pictures work well to convey a lot of what you want to capture in your blog however, adding audio makes content more dynamic. Using a variety of post styles helps keep readers interested. Sound can add some life… Continue Reading →

Video Editing

Video Editing Tools: iMovie (Mac & iOS) UVic DSC: Introduction to Video Editing with iMovie (Mac only) DaVinci Resolve (free for Windows, Mac, & Linux) UVic DSC: WeVideo (web-based, low-quality video output with free version) Final Cut Pro (pricey, but free 30-day evaluation)… Continue Reading →

Audio Editing

Audio Editing Tools: Audacity (Mac or Windows) Garageband (Mac/iOS) Audio Streaming for Education (examples): VoiceEd Radio 105theHive DS106 Radio Audio Editing Competencies Basic Create a polished audio clip using an audio editing program (e.g., Audacity or Garageband) Record audio to… Continue Reading →

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