Worth 18% of your grade

Lesson Delivery

You will deliver your 10-minute lesson to your classmates in person on the last day of class, -or- as an asynchronous lesson via video also on the last day of class . Your instruction should include the following elements:

  • Clear organization and preparedness in the instructional setting.
  • Clearly explain the “why” of the topic or skill in an interesting or compelling way to learners, possibly using a story as an example or “hook.”
  • Use at least one educational technology in your instruction or activity.
  • Use at least one active learning component in your lesson with clear and easy-to-follow instructions.
  • Your lesson should be no longer than 10 minutes long, and if you like you can either include your active learning component in the 10-minute time frame, or you can direct people to the instructions for the active learning component.

You will deliver your lesson in person on June 13, and will post any lesson activities on BrightSpace by the start of class on June 13.

If you choose to deliver an Asynchronous lesson and activity, they are also due at the start of class on June 13, and should be submitted on Brightspace.

Allowed Uses of Generative AI:

You are not allowed to use any Generative AI tools to deliver your lesson (see the course Generative AI policy for more details).