I hope Trevor’s visit last week gave you some ideas and questions to consider. Again I remind you that he is available to connect with. Trevor and I had a conversation after about what research might be needed regarding the inquiry approach to learning. I am curious what you would be most interested in in that regard? What are you most curious about in relation to using the inquiry approach in the classroom, what evidence might be best used to support this practice, and what concerns do you have? Please feel free to send a message in Mattermost with any ideas.

This week we started our presentations with two sessions planned and facilitated by your peers. Some of the activities were to be done in advance of the session, and I know our presenters appreciated your attention to those tasks. The 20 Questions game facilitated through Mattermost was fun, and was timed almost perfectly to be solved just before our class today. Congratulations to Kirsten on the win!

I will post any resources that groups would like to share here on our class website. Please reach out to me directly on Mattermost with anything you would like to share.

How to foster online social connections with Annie and Doug

Resources from the Mentimeter brainstorming session:

Annie and Doug requested that the following resources be shared with our class:

Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning

Anum and Maryam requested the following resources be shared with the group:

Presentation Slides from this session

Padlet resource

Post session survey link

Preparing for Next Week

Next week we have Jeff Hopkins from the Pacific School for Innovation and Inquiry joining us. Please review the resources linked below and come with ideas for questions and discussion related to learning design.

Jeff Hopkins is the founder and principal of the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII), located at 808 Douglas Street in Victoria, which is an independent high school (grades 9-12). The school is built entirely on an inquiry framework, which means there is an emphasis on starting where the learner is at – what their interests are and co-creating the curriculum together. You can learn more about their approach on the PSII website. Please take a look specifically at their inquiry tools for learners and explore their daily calendar of opt-in classes. Jeff was formerly the Superintendent of the Gulf Islands School District and is an advocate for learning that is research-informed and inclusive. Please review the resources below to help you understand his approach, and the PSII approach, to supporting student learning.

You can also follow and connect with Jeff on Twitter as well as the PSII Twitter account.

Jeff’s TEDxTalk:

Jeff’s Introduction to PSII

360 Tour of PSII

An Additional Reading

I have a reading on accessibility and Universal Design for Learning that I would like you to review. I am not certain when we will get a chance to discuss this together, so please review it this week and we will find time around our guest or class presentations to discuss further. It is an important reading on creating accessible and flexible content as we develop learning materials.

Note that it is written for the higher education community, but I do believe that all of these principles apply in K through to 20. In your mind, substitute ‘educator’ for ‘faculty member’ and ‘school’ for ‘university’ or ‘higher education’. I do hope this resonates with you and brings some important issues to the front of mind.

Ableser, J., & Moore, C. (2018, September 10). ? EDUCAUSE Review.

For this week, please add at least one annotation to the texts. You might annotate something that you would like to discuss more thoroughly, have questions about, or something you strongly agree or disagree with. You can also reply to the annotations your peers make, engaging in discussion as needed.

Each week, I appreciate you completing the annotations by the Monday before our next class.