This week we have our final presentation and our final class for EDCI 565. Here are the resources shared by our presenters today. Community-based classroom designs that foster peer relationships — coming soon — Activities for this week Last week… Continue Reading →
I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the presentations over the past few weeks. I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing the research and experience that your colleagues have brought to these presentations. I’m compiling all of the resources shared by presenters in the weekly… Continue Reading →
We had a a great round of presentations this past week. In this post, I will share what each group has provided as follow up resources: Re-imagining Content Creation: H5P H5P Example Website Remember that you are able to login… Continue Reading →
I hope Trevor’s visit last week gave you some ideas and questions to consider. Again I remind you that he is available to connect with. Trevor and I had a conversation after about what research might be needed regarding the… Continue Reading →
I hope you enjoyed interacting with our guest, Trevor Mackenzie, this week. He has given us lots to ruminate on regarding supporting inquiry in teaching and learning design. As a reminder, you can access Trevor’s Website which contains blog posts,… Continue Reading →
I hope you enjoyed reviewing the Typology of Free Web-based Learning Technologies (2020). It included a daunting list of 226 technologies arranged into 40 types and 15 clusters that can be used via a browser to promote creative and interactive… Continue Reading →
My hope is that the course readings and activities are starting to forge a bigger picture in your mind around learning design. We began by looking at learning theory as, whether you identify it or not, these often have an… Continue Reading →
This week we had a chance to discuss the Most Likely to Succeed film. We used a structured Jamboard to collect our thoughts, you can set one up for your own teaching and learning activities quite simply. I hope the… Continue Reading →
This week we looked at readings that explored learning design theory and practice. In class we had a chance to distill the myriad of concepts and theories discussed in these readings, and reflect on how these might impact the way… Continue Reading →
This week we looked at readings that explored learning theory, both those that attempt to describe how one learns in general and more specifically in online settings. In class we had a chance to consider our own beliefs about learning… Continue Reading →
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