Technology and Innovation in Education

Category Rich A02

Week 12 – Technology and Inquiry with Joanna Lake & Group Presentations

This week we are fortunate that Joanna Lake, who is a K-12 educator in Victoria, BC, has taken the time out of their busy schedule to engage talk to us about her inquiry-based learning practice and assessment in her middle… Continue Reading →

Week 11 A02: Reflecting on the term

We’re into the final stretch of our time together in 336, and while this isn’t our final week, we will be doing some reflecting this week on the major themes we’ve covered in the course, as well as choosing one… Continue Reading →

Week 11 A01 – Technology and Inquiry with Joanna Lake & Reflecting on the Term

This week we are fortunate that Joanna Lake, who is a K-12 educator in Victoria, BC, has taken the time out of their busy schedule to engage talk to us about her inquiry-based learning practice and assessment in her middle… Continue Reading →

Week 10 – Blended / Online / Multi-Access Learning

This week we are going to discuss the role that Flipped, Blended, Online, and Mult-Access Learning can play in our classrooms. Whether or not any of these modalities would be appropriate for your class is highly dependent on the age… Continue Reading →

Week 9 – Gaming in Education

I hope that you will find this week’s topic interesting, engaging, and a bit fun as we tackle Gaming and Gamification in Education. I’m looking forward to some good discussions and engaging hands-on experiences in our class time together. Enjoy!… Continue Reading →

Cross-Curricular Coding & Computational Thinking

This week will take a closer look at coding and computational thinking as cross-curricular tools we can use to enrich our curriculum, and potentially recommend tools our learners can use to aid them in their inquiries. I hope that there… Continue Reading →

Citizenship Online – Privacy, Safety, Bullying, Consent + Creative Commons Video

This week should be both very informative, and fun! We are lucky that Jesse Millar has agreed to meet with us to talk about online privacy, safety, bullying and consent. After what is always an informative and interesting Q&A with… Continue Reading →

Week 6 – Professional Development with EdCamps

This week we are going to engage in some professional development and personal learning networking (PLN) development. An EdCamp is an unconference, which is a user-generated conference. There is no rigid pre-selection of session topics planned in advance. Instead, ideas… Continue Reading →

Week 5 – Intentionality in Technology Enabled Learning Design

Welcome to week 5! This week we will talk about two useful frameworks that can assist us in evaluating educational technologies now and into the future. For our hands-on lab time, we will learn to use a low-tech and then a… Continue Reading →

Week 4 – Assistive Technology & Equity

This week we’ll take a closer look at both Assistive Technologies that can help include and integrate students with special needs into educational settings with their peers without special needs. “Many students benefit from ensuring all content is fully accessible…. Continue Reading →

Week 3 – Multimedia Learning Theory, Screencasting & Video Editing

Welcome to Week 3 of our Class! This topic is very important as it explores more deeply some practical guidelines for designing and creating effective multimedia learning materials which have become even more important during the era of remote and… Continue Reading →

Week 2 A02 – Most Likely to Succeed, AI, FIPPA & Inquiry Topics

Welcome to Week 2 of our class! The first week or so is always a learning curve as we set up our various tools and get oriented to BOTH the pedagogy of this class as well as the technology. I… Continue Reading →

Week 1 – Introduction & Welcome to EDCI 336 A02

Welcome to EDCI 336 – Technology Innovation in Education! I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you as we develop new skills and deepen our understanding of technology in your teaching and learning practice, and help you develop… Continue Reading →

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