Technology and Innovation in Education

Author Joanna Lake

Week 12 – Presentations and Group Feedback

Wow. Thank you to all the groups that presented today. I enjoyed the variety and the content of your topics. Next week is our final class, and we have 2 two group presentations and a small presentation I will be… Continue Reading →

Week 11: Choose Your Own Adventure

This week you demonstrated flexibility and an open mind as we quickly pivoted to remote learning! I hope the activities were engaging, interactive, and gave you some ideas for your future practica. Link to slides   Feedback template for next… Continue Reading →

Week 10: Gamification with Tina O’Keefe and bringing Indigenous Pedagogy into the classroom

How are we already through ten weeks of learning together? Slides: Task List: Exit interviews will be in person on November 28th after class and December 5th. Sign up is now live.  Reflection post: on Tina’s presentation or Indigenous Ed…. Continue Reading →

Week 9: Innovation in Education: Jeff Hopkins from PSII

Hi all, Snow, in November, and during class?! Who would have thought. Thanks for a fun class yesterday. Slides are posted below. This week: Reflection post on Jeff’s visit or on class material Inquiry post: Ask questions, turn a corner,… Continue Reading →

Week 8: BCEdAccess and Resources

  Thanks for another fantastic class today. Both slidedecks are posted below. Please check out the video after the slides to see a tour of PSII. Jeff Hopkins will zooming in Monday at 11 am. See slides for task list… Continue Reading →

Week 7: EdCamp and Learning Models

Thank you for an amazing class! You brought focused energy, positivity, and and enthusiasm to all of your discussion groups. Slides are below.   Here are the slides from Rich McCue’s presentation last week Next Week: Prepare for Tracey’s visit… Continue Reading →

Week 6: Video Creation using Screencastify and H5P

Hi folks, Thank you for a wonderful class today. I am also enjoying getting to know you all better through our 1-1 meetings. I think you are all going to be fantastic educators! Slides from today: Slides from Rich will… Continue Reading →

Week 4: Social Media

Slides for today Task List: Schedule a 1-1 Meeting with me *Note the Sunday Zoom has been changed to Sunday, October 22nd* Before class on Monday, October 17: 2 blog posts on your free inquiry, 1 post on class reflection… Continue Reading →

Week 3: Citizenship Online

Happy Week 3! If you are able, DM Jesse on Twitter (@mediatedreality) to thank him for his time. See this post if you would like support adding images to your blog posts.     To Do: Google yourself…dun dun dun!… Continue Reading →

Week 2: FIPPA, Image Attribution, and Free Inquiry

Hi all, I will miss seeing your faces tomorrow! Please review the slides for this week and complete the task list before class next Monday.  If you are interested, I encourage you to look up our guest speaker for next… Continue Reading →

How to Create a Post

This is how you create a post!   HeImage: Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Week 1: Slides and Task List

It was so wonderful meeting all of you today. Please complete the following tasks as soon as possible so you can come to our next session with everything completed. Task List Review ISTE Standards and the EDCI 336 website Get… Continue Reading →


Hello, and welcome to EDCI 336 (A01). I’m Joanna Lake, and I am excited to meet all of you and connect as a class community. In the course outline that was emailed to you, you will find the password for… Continue Reading →

About Joanna

Hello, and welcome to EDCI 336. I am looking forward to our time together this fall and I hope you will come out of this course with tools and concepts that will support your learning both professionally and personally. As… Continue Reading →

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