Technology and Innovation in Education

Author Allie Kostiuk

Allie Kostiuk is an instructor in the East Kootenay Teacher Education Program through the University of Victoria.

Class 11 | Finale & Assessment Interviews

This week we will have a shorter class time for our final class together. You will then each be meeting with Allie for an Exit Interview to review your class assignments!

Class 10 | Innovation in Education

Class 10 was held at the SD#5 Design Lab! Here are some notes:

Class 9 | Cross-Curricular Coding & Gamification in the Classroom

In Class 9, we will explore gamification in the classroom and how we can integrate cross-curricular coding. We will also be discussing the optional Hour of Code event that you can volunteer at on Tuesday, December 5 from 8:30am-2:30pm at Gordon Terrace… Continue Reading →

Class 8 | Educational Technology Presentations

This week our class will be presenting their projects on Educational Technology. Here are the notes for the content portion of our class:

Class 7 | Stop Motion Videos

This week we had the privilege to work with a grade 3 class to create stop motion videos together! Videos have been posted on Seesaw for you to view. Find our overview below:

Class 6 | Working with Graphics

This week is packed full with graphic creation and stop motion animation creation! Check out the slides below:

Class 5 | Working with Students & Technology

This week we had our first in-situ experience at Lindsay Park Elementary School in Kimberley. Below are a few notes about the week.

Class 4 | Creating Resources

During Class 4 this week we will be taking a look at multimedia learning, screencasting, video editing, interactive videos, podcasts, YouTube, flipped classrooms, digital storytelling and more! Here are this week’s slides:

Class 3 | Citizenship Online

This week we will be exploring citizenship online! Here are the class slides below:

Class 2 | Inquiry Learning, FIPPA, Open Education

Welcome to Class 2! Here are the slides for our second class content:

Class 1 | Introduction

Welcome to EDCI 336 A04 with Allie! I look forward to engaging on this learning journey with you. Below are our course slides from the week.

Week 12 | Celebration of Learning

To wrap up our course this week we will have a celebration of learning!

Week 11 | Innovation in Education

This week our class will be held at the District Design Lab for School District #5 in Cranbrook on Tuesday, November 22 at 12:30pm. After a tour of the lab and its technology resources, we will have time to take on a design… Continue Reading →

Week 10 | Digital Portfolios

This week we will be looking at digital portfolios and how they can be utilized in the classroom for student learning and reflection, parent communication, and reporting. We will also have some presentations of Assignment 2!

Week 9 | Gamification in the Classroom

This week we will be looking at gamification in the classroom and how the Video Game Model could be used as a learning tool.

Week 8 | Cross-Curricular Coding

This week we will be exploring the world of code!

Week 7 | Stop Motion Video

This week we have the privilege to attend another in-situ experience. We will be meeting at Marysville Elementary School during our class time on Tuesday, October 25 to create stop motion videos with a grade 3 class.

Week 6 | Curating & Working with Graphics

This week we will be finding, evaluating, making, editing, and curating resources. We will also be discussing academic integrity. In preparation for our second in-situ visit, we will be exploring stop motion videos.

Week 5 | Makerspaces

This week we will be attending our first in-situ at Gordon Terrace Elementary. We will be exploring their makerspace and then working with two Grade 1/2 classes.

Week 4 | Creating Resources

This week we will be learning how to create resources and exploring educational video. We will also be preparing for our first in-situ visit in Week 5!

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