Welcome to the first week! The following are some tasks we need you to complete as soon as possible, so you can come to our next session with everything completed:

  • Read the syllabus that was emailed to you
  • Complete the pre-term self-assessment
  • Review the course website
  • Review the Privacy Tutorial
  • Review ISTE Standards
  • Watch Most Likely to Succeed (MLTS) Film
  • Visit the Social Spaces page for A01 (password sent via email with the course outline) to complete the following based on your privacy preferences:
    • Sign-Up for Pairs/Pods (once you join the Mattermost EDCI 336 Commons and )
    • Join Mattermost EDCI 336 Commons, Tech Help, and Cafe Public Channels. We will invite you to the private Channel for our section for chat. You can use this tool to connect with your peers to plan your pod times
  • Get started with WordPress for blogging:
  • Complete the Learning Pathways survey by January 19
  • Connect with your Learning Pod synchronously sometime before next class to discuss the MLTS film and to support each other.
  • Post your reflections (and possibly a self-introduction to your blog depending on your preferences) – by Jan 21
  • Review sample free inquiry assignments on the Free Inquiry Assignment Page
  • If you have any questions or want to share resources or ideas, please post to our Mattermost Channel (EDCI 336 Commons for all 3 sections or to our private EDCI 336 A03 Channel once invited).

Photo by Photos by Lanty on Unsplash