Date | Session Topics (12 classes)

Week 1: January 7 Introduction to EDCI 336

·       Review course outline expectations

·       Orientation to the technology

·       Setting up personal learning networks

Week 2: January 14 Data Privacy, Consent, and Open Copyright

·       Discuss Most Likely to Succeed

·       FIPPA, Privacy, and Consent

·       Intellectual Property and Open Educational Resources (OER)

Week 3: January 21 Citizenship Online – Privacy, Safety, Bullying, Consent

·       Privacy, Safety, Bullying, Consent

·       With guest: Jesse Miller


Week 4: January 28 Using and Creating Digital Audio and Video Resources

·       Video Editing, Screen Capture, Audio, & Interactive Videos

·       With guest instructor: Rich McCue

Week 5: February 4 Using and Creating Digital Graphic Resources

·       Graphic creation and content curation

·       Preliminary student presentations

Week 6: February 11 Theory and Practice of Technology Integrated Learning Design

·       Constructive alignment, TPACK, SAMR


Week 7: February 18 ** No Class – Reading Break **
Week 8: February 25 An EdCamp Experience
Week 9: March 4 Inclusion in Education

·       Accessibility Tools

·       Guest from BC EdAccess

Week 10: March 11 Artificial Intelligence in Education

·       Artificial Intelligence for Teaching and Learning

Week 11: March 18 Technology and Outdoor Education

·       Guest: Kirsten Pierce

Week 12: March 25 Student Presentations
Week 13: April 1 Course Conclusion and Final Thoughts