this week and our exploration on the creation of graphics. I did enjoy the gallery walk and viewing your creations in class. Do think about how you might create and use graphics to support your teaching and also, how you might engage learners with the creation of graphics, images, etc. to represent their learning. For this week, consider creating a graphic as part of your inquiry project update and continue to use the tools and techniques we explored as you go forward with weekly posts.

As mentioned I have set up the course blog feed and site list on our course website. I encourage you to have a look at all of the interesting work happening via your peers inquiry and class reflections. This is available from the sections tab on the menu.

Slides from week four

Here is a link to the additional slides I shared in class, including the visual showcase, handouts/worksheets, and demo.

To do list for week four

  • Now is the time to book your first assessment meeting. Please do not delay! The meeting is an opportunity for us to connect one to one, address any questions, and provide some feedback on your portfolio so far.  These are to be completed by February 14th! I will share the meeting booking link into Mattermost.
  • Consider forming your team for the team project for Assignment 2 the Educational Technology Presentation. I will share a signup sheet on Mattermost and I would like to see the teams form by next week. You may also start planning for the presentation if you wish, but we have time yet. Note that you can easily create a group chat using Mattermost and know that you can also create Zoom sessions with one another using your UVic accounts if needed.
  • Continue with your weekly WordPress class reflection as well as your free inquiry project update. Try to incorporate graphics, either something you created or something relevant and useful from the image commons.