I hope you enjoyed our guest speaker, Jesse Miller this week. I will be sharing the slides that Jesse provided from the session this week in our Mattermost channel shortly. He is happy to share them with you, but I am not posting them publicly to respect his copyright on this work. I hope you will find some departure points from the talk with Jesse for your second Weekly Refection post on your WordPress site.
By now should be well familiar with your WordPress site and be on your way to having two class reflection posts and two inquiry project posts. I hope you will be demonstrating the use of photos and resources from the commons shared under open copyright. You may also share things you create, photos, graphics, videos, but we will also have time to develop skill with those creation tasks in the coming weeks.
To assist with your blog posts I will refer you to this article on What Makes a Good Blog Post. I also have a rubric that defines the success criteria for your weekly and inquiry reflections here.
Coming up
I shifted the schedule slightly to reflect our guest speakers availability. So next week we will be looking at the use of multimedia in teaching and learning and will do the audio/video lab the following week. Next week we also will form groups for the team presentation, so start thinking about topics you might want to investigate for that assignment.
Next week I should have the blog feed for our class created based on your responses to the Learning Pathways survey. I am still waiting for a couple people to complete this, if this is you, I have reached out.
To Do List for Week Three
- Create a blog post (Weekly Reflections) reflecting on some of the big ideas from this week’s class with our guest Jesse Miller
- Continue with your inquiry project, generating questions for further activity, discovering and curating resources related to the inquiry, or documenting progress as you go.
- If you have any questions or want to share resources or ideas, please post to Mattermost or reach out to me directly.
- Take care of yourself. It is going to be a sunny weekend so take advantage of this to get some outdoor time.
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