Thank you all for your engagement in class this week! I appreciated the depth of the questions and interest related to the course, the Most Likely to Succeed film, your professional practice in the context of privacy and data, and your thoughts about open educational resources.
Next week we have Jesse Miller joining us to talk about online citizenship and key issues such as privacy, safety, and our professional responsibilities in the context of technology. Please have a look at Jesse’s website in advance of the class.
Slides from Week Two
Support for Getting Started with WordPress
I created a video overview on how to enhance your WordPress posts. The interface looks a little different in the video, but it should still be useful to you. I will plan to create a video about adding a new section on your wordpress site. I will provide that before next week.
To do list for Week Two
- Important: If you have not yet completed the Learning Pathways survey and the Self-Assessment survey please do so ASAP!
- Review the Privacy and Safety page on our website and specifically the BC FIPPA Cloud Guidelines
- Review Fair Dealing Guidelines
- Review Copyright Matters! Some Key Questions & Answers for Teachers
- Explore and review an OER related to your teaching interests or free inquiry topic
- Create a blog post (EdTech) reflecting on one of the three big ideas from today’s class, Most Likely to Success, FIPPA, or Open Education
- Kick off your free inquiry project by generating some questions to orient yourself. You may find the Inquiry Toolkit from the Pacific School for Innovation and Inquiry useful for this.
- Optional – Review the open educational resources tutorial from OER Africa
- Optional – Dig deeper into the idea of student autonomy, inquiry, and choice in education by viewing this short video.
- If you have any questions or want to share resources or ideas, please post to Mattermost
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