Hi everyone,
My name is Dr. Michael Paskevicius and I am your instructor for EDCI 336: Technology and Innovation in Education. I look forward to meeting you and working with you all this term. I realize that you all are living and working through challenging times as we continue through this pandemic. I want you to know that I am here to support you in any way that I can, and I urge you to feel free to reach out to me and provide feedback so we can ensure this course is a positive experience for you.
During the first class, we will go through the syllabus, address any questions, and get setup for the term ahead.
I have one thing I would appreciate you do before we meet.
We will be using an instant messaging system to stay connected throughout the term both in class and beyond. It is called Mattermost (similar to the Slack messaging application) and will allow us to connect collectively, in small groups, or one-to-one via text. This service is hosted in BC and specifically available for educational institutions. Please signup using the link in the email sent to you. Many students choose to use their UVic Netlink User ID. This works well as it is unique and this helps me identify you.
We will be meeting in D211 on Tuesdays each week at 1:00pm.
I want you to know that you can always contact me if you have questions or concerns, I will reply as quickly as possible. Mattermost will be the quickest way to get a response. In addition, if needed throughout the term, my have my cell number in the email I sent you. Please text or message me on Mattermost before calling. Sometime it is helpful to talk through an issue for quicker resolve.
I hope the start of term has gone well so far and I look forward to meeting you soon.
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