Module 0: Constructing the Learning Community (Sept. 6th – Sept. 13th)
Welcome to EDCI339!
This first week is an opportunity to get yourself situated in the course and to reflect on Digital Identity and Social Presence as you decide how you want to engage this semester.
Read Salman, T. (2015) Who Am I Online? Cultivating Students’ Digital Identity Practices. Advances in Exemplary Instruction.
Read Bozkurt, A., & Tu, C.-H. (2016). Digital identity formation: socially being real and present on digital networks. Educational Media International, 53(3), 153–167.
Read Kreijns, K., Van Acker, F., Vermeulen, M., & Van Buuren, H. (2014). Community of Inquiry: Social Presence Revisited. E-Learning and Digital Media, 11(1), 5–18.
Choose where you want to host your Learning Portfolio
Join our Mattermost community.
Reflect on your digital identity and complete the following identity building activities. This is an opportunity for you to choose how you want to be present and visible in the course:
- In Mattermost, introduce yourself in the Introductions channel and respond to some of your peer’s posts.
- In Mattermost, upload a profile image, submit your preferred name and pronunciation, and under “title”, enter a quote or phrase that you feel represents you.
Complete your Learner Profile.
Complete the Learning Preferences Survey. This will be used to place you into a Critical Inquiry Group and to inform the schedule for our live sessions.