Topic 0: Introductions and Getting Set Up to Engage
Things to do by July 5 (all activities for Topic 0 are in Brightspace)
- Read the syllabus and review the course calendar
- Sign up for a WordPress blog.
- Join our Mattermost channel.
- Complete the Learning Pathways Survey.
- Tell us about yourself in the Introductions forum.
- Sign up for a Learning Pod.
- Familiarize yourself with the WordPress site.
Welcome to EDCI 339 A02 (Summer 2022)! I’m excited to have you. The first couple days of class will be all about getting you set up to engage for the next three weeks. On Wednesday, we’ll begin Topic 1 and you’ll be ready to hit the ground running!
This course focuses on Distributed and Open Learning. Due to that, we are going to get a bit meta and ask you to learn in two different modes. First off, we will learn in a more traditional distributed format within Brightspace. By the end of Topic 1, we will shift out of Brightspace (which is only accessible to those enrolled in the course) and move into a more “open” learning environment on WordPress and the rest of the open web. Don’t worry about that quite yet–you’ll be eased into it!
In this course, our main communication channel will be Mattermost. If you run into any challenges along the way, please message the group or me individually on there. If it is Mattermost that you can’t get set up, please email me through Brightspace (rbanow [at] You should be checking Mattermost at least once per day throughout this course.
I can’t wait to hear about all of you in your introductory post on Brightspace. You can find out too much information about me here: Introduction to Ryan Banow.
I’ll be back with a new post on Wednesday morning to kick off Topic 1. In the meantime, there will be Zoom office hours on Tuesday evening at 7pm (Victoria time). Please attend if you are having trouble accessing or signing up for any of the course tools. The Zoom link is available in the course syllabus on Brightspace.
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