Maryam’s Genenerative AI Policy
Generative AI tools and assistants are multiplying rapidly in all media and although the use of these tools is beyond the scope of this course, we must engage with them in ways that are ethical and useful. Too much use of Generative AI creates bland, homogenous and often inaccurate results and can get in the way of your learning and your own creative process. However, used well, GenAI can be a valuable assistant in instructional design. If you look at the marking rubrics for the assignments you’ll notice that the majority of the grades are assigned for exploration and experimentation which can sometimes be messy and unpolished – and that’s great. This learning process is much more important than the final product in this course. If you jump straight to a GenAI-produced final product with no evidence of your own thinking or development process you’ll find that your final grades will be impacted.
The use of Generative AI tools in this course is permitted as an assist for idea generation (brainstorming) and structuring (helping you create a framework/structure for your own ideas) for Assignments 1 and 3. In Assignment 4 you can additionally use it for some editing support. You are not permitted to copy and paste someone else’s blog post or learning resource draft into a Generative AI tool in order to generate a comment or feedback (Assignment 2 and part of 3) – this is a violation of their privacy and intellectual property rights. Whenever you do use them, you need to cite your use of them and reflect on your use of these tools – which tools did you find useful and why did you make the decision to use them? What did they make possible for you? What were the trade-offs?
See the tables below for specific information on the permitted use of Generative AI in this course for each assignment. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the instructor to clarify these conditions. Misuse of these tools is a violation of UVic’s policy on academic integrity and will be referred to the Department Head for investigation.
Using the scale below, this is the permitted use of Generative AI for each assignment in the course:
Assignment | Generative AI Allowable Use Description |
2: Peer Review ILR | 0 – NO AI |
3: Selected Blog Posts and Comment | 2/0 – For blog posts: AI-ASSISTED IDEA GENERATION AND STRUCTURING – For Comments: NO AI |
4: Interactive Learning Resource | 3/4 – AI ASSISTED EDITING AI TASK COMPLETION, HUMAN EVALUATION *citations required |
*Please refer to the chart below from Dr. Leon Furze for a more detailed description of each level.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the instructor to clarify these conditions. Misuse of these tools is a violation of UVic’s policy on academic integrity and will be referred to the Department Head for investigation.