Over the next week, you will explore different conceptions of openness in education, including open licensing, open pedagogies and open-washing.

Read Bliss, T. J. & Smith, M. (2017). A Brief History of Open Educational Resources. In R.S Jhangiani & R. Biswas-Diener (Eds.) Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science. (pp. 9–27). London: Ubiquity Press. Accessed from https://www.ubiquitypress.com/site/chapters/e/10.5334/bbc.b/

Read Hegarty, B. (2015). Attributes of Open Pedagogy: A Model for Using Open Educational Resources. Educational Technology, 55(4), 3-13. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/stable/44430383

Read Smith, B., & Eng, M. (2013). MOOCs: A Learning Journey: Two Continuing Education Practitioners Investigate and Compare cMOOC and xMOOC Learning Models and Experiences. In Cheung, K. S, Fong, J., Fong, W., Wang, F. L., & Kwok, L. F. (Eds.) Hybrid Learning and Continuing Education (pp. 244–255). Berlin: Springer. Access through UVIC libraries: https://link-springer-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-39750-9_23

Read Wiley, D. “The Access Compromise and the 5th R” on Improving Learning. https://opencontent.org/blog/archives/3221

Read Koseoglu, S. (2020) “Open Pedagogy: A Response to David Wiley” in Bali, B., Cronin, C., Czerniewicz, L., DeRosa, R. & Jhangiani, R. (2020) Open at the Margins. Rebus Community Pressbooks. https://press.rebus.community/openatthemargins/chapter/open-pedagogy-a-response-to-david-wiley/

Read Cronin. C. (2019). Open education: Walking a critical path. In D. Conrad, & P. Prinsloo (Eds.), Open(ing) Education: Theory and Practice. Leiden: Brill. Open Access Version – http://eprints.teachingandlearning.ie/4345/

Participate in at least 1 Learning Portfolio activity

Participate in your Critical Inquiry Group discussion

Complete the mid-course feedback survey (https://forms.gle/twaNpVMwfA6RQX3t7)

Complete your Digital, Online and Open Micromodule by November 8th.