In module 1, you read about various Learning Theories and orientations to teaching and learning. In higher education, most disciplines follow relatively consistent teaching practices and subscribe to specific learning theories. In this module, Weller shares the basic tenets of Connectivism, a learning theory based upon the chaotic and networked nature of the Internet.

For this prompt, you should consider the common teaching practices of your discipline, and then consider what a Connectivist approach to your discipline would look like. How would the mode of teaching change? How would the learning activities change? How would the assessments change?  Could this be a success paradigm for your discipline? Why or why not?

In your reimagining, consider the 4 key activities of Connectivism: aggregation, relation, creation, sharing. Also consider the potential challenges of Connectivism to learners, instructors and the institution.

In your Learning Portfolio, make sure to also include a short self-reflection on why you chose this activity, how it aligned with your learning goals, and what you learned through the research that you completed.