Social Media and Personalized Learning

Category Maryam 2024-05 A01

Posts from Maryam teaching this course in May 2024 A01

Week Seven – Why Media Literacy Matters in your PLN

Hello everyone! Thanks for your engagement in class discussion today! This week, we will delve deeper into media literacy and its crucial role in creating and communicating within your personal learning network. In today’s information age, information literacy and fluency… Continue Reading →

Week Six – Engaging your Personal Learning Networks

Hello everyone! As we prepare to wrap up the course, it is worth thinking about PLN engagement. Reflecting on the following questions could be a starting point for the session’s discussion. This week’s focus will be on delving deeper into… Continue Reading →

Week Five – Your Personal Learning Networks and Education

Hello everyone! This week, our focus shifts to Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) and their impact on education. The concept of the “open movement” will be explored, highlighting the importance of accessible knowledge, collaborative learning, and empowering individuals as active participants in knowledge… Continue Reading →

Week Four – Public PLN – Balancing PLN & Public Discourse

Hello everyone! Thanks for the great presentions today! This week we will learn more about public personal learning networks and how we can balance our PLN. The advent of the internet and the evolution of communication technologies have significantly changed… Continue Reading →

Week Three – Your PLN – Inclusion & Community Engagement

It was great to meet you all today. Thanks for your engagement in class and I appreciated all of your questions.This week we will learn more about Personal Learning Networks and Inclusion and community engagement, the importance of our social… Continue Reading →

Week Two – Digital Identity

It was wonderful to meet you all today, and I’m looking forward to the term ahead. Thank you for your active participation and your questions in class. I hope you now have a clear understanding of the course expectations. Should… Continue Reading →

Welcome to the course!

My name is Maryam Shirdel Pour and I am teaching EDCI 338: Social Media and personalized learning Section A01.I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you as we develop new skills and deepen our understanding of Social Media… Continue Reading →

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