Hello everyone!

I’ve enjoyed reviewing your annotations from last week—thank you for your thoughtful contributions to the discussion on digital identity. I hope you’re finding value in collaboratively annotating the readings and bringing the discussion directly into the text.

As we move forward, I hope the course readings and videos are helping to form a broader understanding of Personal Learning Networks in your minds.

Building on last week’s topic, this week we’ll dive deeper into how you present yourself in digital spaces—where you have control and where you may need to regain it. We’ll also explore the differences between personal and professional digital identities and how to navigate both.

Privacy, Ethics & Security in Digital Spaces

To begin with, consider the Privacy and Surveillance Quiz. It consists of a series of questions that help you develop an awareness of your privacy and learn more about taking control of your privacy and your data. Make sure to follow the links, which will be provided by submitting your answers to read more about the subject.

Visitors & Residents

What determines our engagement with technology and the Web? Have you ever thought about the difference between digital visitors and residents?

There is a range of ways that individuals can engage with the Web. It is not possible to simply divide individuals’ engagement into distinct categories, as it is a continuum of ‘modes of engagement’.  

In the following video, David White from the University of Oxford explains how the Visitors and Residents model provides a framework to understand individuals’ engagement with the Web based on motivation and context.

David White – The Digital Visitor and Resident Continuum

Readings for Week Four

Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement
by David S. White and Alison Le Cornu.

Please add at least three annotations to the “Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement”.

You might annotate something that you would like to discuss more thoroughly, have questions about, or something you strongly agree or disagree with. You can also reply to the annotations your peers make, engaging in discussion as needed.

Each week, I appreciate you completing the annotations by the Tuesday before our next class. 

Task for this week

Make your Visitors and Residents Map!

David White provides more guidance on how to create your Visitors and Residence map on this page.

Visitor & Residence mapping

This will help you better understand your engagement with technology and the Web.

Please create your V&R map, share it with your group, and discuss your online presence with your learning pod. You can create your V&R map using any platform you’re comfortable with—whether you draw it out and take a photo, or use a digital tool to share it on your page or in your learning pod.

Are you tired of feeling left behind in a world that seems to be moving faster than you can keep up with? Well, fear not! Join technology strategist and educator, Shauna Begley, in this engaging talk where she shares the secrets to becoming the master of your digital domain.

Digital Literacy: Realizing the Promise of Technology | Shauna Begley | TEDxRoyalRoadsU

Take care of yourselves and each other and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Mattermost is the quickest way!