Hello everyone!

Thanks for your engagement in class discussion today!

This week, we will delve deeper into media literacy and its crucial role in creating and communicating within your personal learning network.

In today’s information age, information literacy and fluency have turned into a key topic. The internet’s widespread availability has made information more accessible than ever before, heightening the importance of efficiently and effectively accessing and utilizing it. To thrive in this information-rich environment, individuals must acquire the necessary skills to navigate vast amounts of data and utilize it accurately and innovatively.

Critical evaluation of online content, particularly through social media, is also emphasized. Learners need to develop the ability to discern credible, accurate, and reliable information from less trustworthy sources. Identifying the most valuable content among the vast sea of information is a vital skill that will empower learners to make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to their personal learning journeys.

By enhancing media literacy and information evaluation skills, we equip ourselves to be more discerning, informed, and active participants in our interconnected world. We will learn more about Media Literacy by reviewing this week’s reading.

Consider the following questions as you complete your blog assignment and comment on the opinions of others in the Mattermost group.

What is media literacy?
Why is it important?
Why is it dismissed?
Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

Reading for the week seven

21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times

Bernie Trilling; Charles Fadel

Please add at least three annotations to the texts. You might annotate something that you would like to discuss more thoroughly, have questions about, or something you strongly agree or disagree with. You can also reply to the annotations your peers make, engaging in discussion as needed.

Each week, I appreciate you completing the annotations by the Tuesday before our next class. 

Podcast for the Week Seven

For this session, you are going to listen to interviews, which are carried out by Jesse Miller. For those who may not familiar with him, he is a social media educator and the founder of Mediated Reality.

Community Engagement and Personalized Learning Networks

An interview with Markiel Simpson

Slides from week Six (click to advance)

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Mattermost is the quickest way!