Topic 3: July 16-21 Equity and Access in K-12 Distributed (Online) & Open Learning Environments

Welcome to Topic 3! 

This topic will consider Equity and Access in K-12 online/distributed and open learning environments. This blog post will: 

  • Give you an overview of Assignment #2 Expectations
  • Summarize the key points from the Topic 3 readings
  • Describe the Activities for Topic 3
  • Provide multiple Additional Resources to consider for Assignment #2 (and in the future)

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Please follow the course hashtag in twitter #EDCI339 , as many resources and experts are sharing their experiences.

Assignment #2

Please find a link to your assignment #2 HERE

You will be handing in your Assignment 2 by Sunday, July 19 (11:59 pm PDT). 

Please add the link of your completed project into the coursespaces dropbox for Assignment 2. 

I encourage all of you to add your Assignment #2 as an open blogpost in your individual blogs. Not only will this ensure that you are sharing your learning with your peers, you will also be able to share your learning with others outside of this class (open learning). However open learning is always a choice – and you are welcome to complete the assignment through a word doc or video as well. 

Questions & Answers  about Assignment #2

Q: Can we do both the text response AND the FlipGrid video? 

A: You are welcome to do both responses – however, please remember that this course is shortened and my intention was not to overwhelm you. Grading will be focused on the RUBRIC  – please ensure the rubric guides your decisions. 

Q: In the chart – how detailed do we have to be? 

A: The chart is designed to last BEYOND this course. The intention was that you would be able to use the chart as an example of evidence of your learning in this course BUT also as a digital resource for yourself as you transition into your teaching career. Some of you may also want to share the chart with others – so it is also important that it would be clear and detailed. As such, consider adding hyperlinks to as many details as possible, use note form and be detailed. You are not designing the chart for me (although I will be using the rubric to assess it). YOu are designing the chart for yourself to help you think about Equity and Access in DIGITAL learning spaces. 

As I looked at some charts that were sent to me, one of the suggestions I have is to consider the possible experiences the persona may have had in past classes. They may have never had a teacher who has integrated technology in their F2F classroom.  They may never have had access to mobile devices – thus they may not have developed formal digital literacy skills. They may have learned informally (eg. gaming/ social media/coding online) BUT they may not know how to communicate with others, consider empathy or digital citizenship. 

This activity is completely open-ended and all of you could complete it in multiple ways. There is NO right answer. Being as detailed as possible and adding evidence to support your notes, is always the right direction to go in. Also remember to include this week’s readings….

Topic 3: Readings:

In reading #1, Basham, Blackorby, Stahl, & Zhang, L. (2018), summarize some examples of research which considered the UDL Framework. While there is NO expectation that you consider every example, please integrate ONE of the examples from the UDL research into your Assignment #2 project. 

Basham, J.D., Blackorby, J., Stahl, S. & Zhang, L. (2018) Universal Design for Learning Because Students are (the) Variable. In R. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp. 477-507). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.

In reading #2, Kral,& Schwab (2012) describe design principles to consider when designing in any learning space. As you work on Assignment #2, consider how these design principles could be applied to your context and all Canadian contexts. 

“Though we want to emphasize again that we don’t believe a single replicable model is possible—or desirable—we have identified what we believe are a series of design principles that can be of value in building or facilitating learning spaces (Kral & Schwab, 2015)

Design Principle 1: A space young people control 

Design Principle 2: A space for hanging out and ‘mucking around’

Design Principle 3: A space where learners learn 

Design Principle 4: A space to grow into new roles and responsibilities

 Design Principle 5: A space to practice oral and written language 

Design Principle 6: A space to express self and cultural identity through multimodal forms 

Design Principle 7: A space to develop and engage in enterprise

 Design Principle 8: A space to engage with the world”

Retrieved from: Learning Spaces Youth, Literacy and New Media in Remote Indigenous Australia – Chapter 4

Kral, I. & Schwab, R.G. (2012). Chapter 4: Design Principles for Indigenous Learning Spaces. Safe Learning Spaces. Youth, Literacy and New Media in Remote Indigenous Australia. ANU Press. Retrieved from:

Finally, in reading #3, Selwyn (2020) amplifies the learning design needs for future K-12 digital learning contexts as a result of the covid remote access emergency learning. As you think about Selewyn’s observations, what can you integrate into your “pitch” to ensure that your persona will be supported in digital learning mediums? 

Selwyn. N. (2020). Online learning: Rethinking teachers’ ‘digital competence’ in light of COVID-19.[Weblog]. Retrieved from:

Topic 3 Activities:

Required Individual Activities:

● Review course readings and resources

● Individual post #3: How can you ensure equitable access to authentic, meaningful & relevant learning environments for all learners in K-12 open and distributed learning contexts? What did you already know, what do you know now based on the course readings and activities, what do you hope to learn?

Required Pod Activity:

● Complete Assignment #3 Digital Equity & Perspective Pod Project.

● REPLY to the Topic 3 posts of all the members in your pod.

Choice Board Activities:

● Building a PLN/ Social Media – Twitter #edci339

● Optional Open Learning Activity :Follow and Join ShelleyMoore’s Online Bookclub: 

● Optional Create Activity

● Optional Slack Conversation (Informal communication space)

Topic 3: Additional Resources

Equity and Cultural Perspectives


Implementing UDL in Canvas – free online course 

Web Accessibility:

Designing for Accessibility & Inclusion:

Individual Education Plans

Educator to Follow: Shelly Moore @tweetsomemoore


English Language Learners BC K-12 Ministry of Education Resources:

Educator to Follow: Larry Ferlazzo @

Indigenous Knowledge: 

Welcome to Decolonizing Teaching Indigenizing Learning.

Indigenization Guides:

Open for Whom? OEP with North Australian Indigenous Workforce Development

Social Justice:

From the BC Ministry of Education: 

School District 64 Gulf Islands, has created a webpage full of resources and videos to further our understanding of racism within our community and the world. One of the resources is an Indigenous Education Program, which both supports the success of Indigenous learners in the district, while promoting a deep awareness of Indigenous culture and history among all students. Other resources include mental health supports and information from the Black History Awareness Society.

Equity Unbound:

Approaches to Designing Justice Orientated MOOCs

Open Education and Social Justice 

Educators to Follow: 

Sherri Spellic @edifiedlistener

Arley Cruthers (McNeney) @Arley_McNeNey

Digital Sandbox and Resources to Support Learning Design:

Teachers EdTech Toolkit (Connecting CLearning Competencies to Digital Tools that could Support the Development of those Competencies)

Formative Assessment:

Dylan Wiliam: – Inquiry and Assessment 

Link to Tweet Discussing Formative assessment:

Learning Design for September 2020: 

Higher Education: Learning Design Support 

How much ‘work’ should my online course be for me and my students?

Open Learning Design (7 C’s – Conole):

Domain of One’s Own :

Ontario EXTEND:
Domain Camp:

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