Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

About the Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The doctorate of philosophy program that we offer focuses on education technology and is designed for educators, learning support, and administrators, at the K12 or postsecondary level, who wish to engage in analysing and contributing to research in the area of education technology.

Student generating new ideas and knowledge

Sample Program

Required courses

EDCI 614 Discourses in Educational Studies (1.5)
EDCI 681 Advanced Research Design (1.5)
EDCI 693 Candidacy Examination (3.0)


Approved by the academic supervisor (3.0)


EDCI 699 PhD Dissertation (30)

Total: 39.0 units

Program Modality

The doctorate of philosophy is offered with two core courses in face-to-face format (one in the Fall term and one in the Spring term) and the remaining electives being selected with approval by the supervisor. These electives can be done face-to-face or online with courses at UVic, or they may be taken from others universities that participate in the Western Dean’s Agreement. 


Program Contact

Graduate Advisor

Graduate Secretary

Department Of Curriculum and Instruction
Faculty of Education

Advance your research in education technology 

Please reach out to us for more information.