Module 1: Background (Sept. 14th – Sept. 27th)
Over the next two weeks, you will start exploring the history of ed tech and examining some of the learning theories that underlie distributed and open learning.
Watch “How Distance Changes Everything” Keynote from Jon Dron. (2:55 to 30:00)
Read Bates, T. (2014). Learning Theories and Online Learning. [Blog post].
Read Weller, M. (2018, August). Twenty Years of Edtech. EDUCAUSE Review, 53(4).
Read Marr, L. (2018). “Chapter 1: The transformation of distance learning at Open University: the need for a new pedagogy for online learning?”. In Higher Education in the Digital Age. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Join our (optional) Synchronous session on Monday, September 18th from 6:00 to 7:30 PDT. Zoom link will be shared on Mattermost.
Submit your group contract for your Inquiry Group by September 27th .
Begin working on your Students’ Guide to Digital Pedagogy.
Participate in at least 1 Learning Portfolio activity.