General Requirements

Blog Posts – 30%

  • Blog posts must be made for a minimum of 7 of the topics
  • Your posts will be reviewed (not graded) in your Learning Pod meetings to allow you to refine your thinking and clarify any misconceptions. Your Learning Pod members will comment on your posts providing direct feedback
  • You will choose one post to be assessed by your instructor and that assessment will be worth 20% of your final grade. This can be done anytime before the last class.
  • Each blog post should be a critical reflection using the multimedia learning principles covered in class
  • All posts must include multimedia content examples embedded in the posts (often a showcase of something recently learned)
  • Post should range around 200 words (or 2 minutes of video or audio)
  • Please use an academic style of writing and include citations
  • For each weekly blog post use the post category: edci337–blog
  • Here is an example of a strong weekly blog post: [LINK HERE]
Blog Posts

Throughout the course, you will be contributing to our community on your own blogs by responding to blog prompts provided by the course instructors. You are encouraged to initiate your own posts in response to the materials and resources shared throughout the course, as well as linking out to materials and literature to support your thinking.

In addition to authoring blog posts, you will be expected to contribute to the edci337 community through commenting on the posts of your peers (Assignment 2) and in Mattermost. Set a goal for yourself of interacting with at least 2 other bloggers after you have posted. You should find that these interactions lead to increased traffic on your own blog, which will provide opportunities to have your thinking supported, questions to answer, and possibly new connections made.

We recommend that you comment on others’ posts by creating a new post on your own site and including a link to the post you are commenting on. This will create a ‘trackback’ on the original post, which is just like a comment. Make sure you check the comments on you own site, because you will have to approve them before they are visible. You will see a notification in the side menu of WordPress when you have comments that need to be approved.

Suggested Prompts for Comments on Your Classmates Blogs

Please remember that these blogs are shared publicly, as are your comments. It is important to use your comments as way to provide supportive, constructive feedback, to initiate a conversation, or to share connections. Keep your language positive, offer suggestions, and focus on the content of the blog post.

  • My new thinking after reading your post is…
  • I agree with the idea of … because ….
  • I am wondering if you have read this article/website/book (share a resource link)
  • I noticed that our thinking differs in this way …
  • A connection I made between your work and … is ….
  • I really liked how you explained … and I am wondering if you can tell me more about …
  • Something I am wondering after reading your post is…