General Requirements

This is the major assignment which is worth 40% of your final grade. Students will create an original example of learning content, using multiple multimedia and interactive learning techniques, to educate a viewer on a topic. This is a group assignment with Learning Pod members forming groups of 2 or 4 to create 1 assignment together.

  • Suggested to start working with your partner in the 2nd or 3rd week to at least select topic and divide tasks and plan
  • Pair up with a member of your 4-person learning pod to make a group of 2 to work on this project (maximum group size is 4)
  • The project deliverables will include the following in 1 blog post that each partner contributes to:
    • Describe what, why, and how you made your media object (one possible example)
    • Include specific learning outcomes/objectives. What will learners know after they interact with your content? This can be similar to the way I present them at the beginning of each Topic/week. (i.e. – By the end of this topic you should be able to🙂
    • Original content your group created which clearly incorporated core and advanced skills learned in the course
    • Multiple multimedia elements must be included (i.e. slide presentation with original video content, or an infographic in a dedicated mini-website)
    • A discussion in the post of the multimedia principles and learning theories that were followed in creating the multimedia objects in order to achieve the stated learning objectives
    • Approximately 800 words written in the post that detail all the following: learning outcomes, how theories were implemented, what students will gain, how this may be evaluated, what other topics could use this same manner, pitfalls or areas that did not go to plan, list of skills a viewer will attain, as well as all of the embedded multimedia elements/artifacts you and your group create
    • Have fun!


  • The project will be a link submitted to instructor anytime before June 23rd 2022
  • Each member of your group will post the same post and use category edci337-project 
  • Marks will be for the entire group
  • Grades based upon said criteria but pay special attention to:
    • the structure and quality of the design process/plan
    • the quality of the content (grammar, well edited, multimedia appears professional)
    • content created matching your stated learning outcomes
    • many clear examples of original multimedia content that are demonstrating use of theories
    • clearly using elements learned from class especially theories (evidence should be obvious in the multimedia you create )
    • marks are not based on content but how content is displayed via multimedia that utilizes theory
  • For more details about the evaluation criteria for this assignment, please see the course outline

Example Topics

Your group may pick any topic to educate viewers on. If you are unsure if your topic is appropriate please ask your instructor. Consider content as secondary to how well the multimedia artifacts are made using the theories we cover. Choose something that will be simple to incorporate many types of original multimedia artifacts (screencasts, gifs, infographics, podcasts, audio files, video, gamification, VR, AR, etc.). Here are some example topics that are meant to inspire you:

  • Navigating social media
  • Steps to be happier
  • The history of…………………
  • Top ten steps to studying
  • How to incorporate mindfulness
  • Best Math shortcuts
  • Etiquette around the world
  • Top tips for………. (moving, picking a school, finding a job, etc.)
  • How to get a good night’s sleep
  • Take better photographs with your iPhone
  • 10 ways you can tell your in a ……………….. movie or book
  • Navigating life during a pandemic
  • Beginners guide to ………. (minecraft, League of Legends, Pokemon etc.)
  • Personal project management
  • The basics of …………. (self-defence, first year at uni, living in………, etc.)
  • Memorization skills
  • ……………Vs……………… (similar tech, product, character comparison)
  • Effective storytelling techniques
  • Stress relief ideas
  • Everyday probability and statistics
  • Understanding 10 popular memes
  • Ways to get help with mental health
  • Small talk at social gatherings
  • Performing or mastering a technique e.g. CPR, skateboard trick, art or craft
  • How climate change may affect the future
  • Making your favorite meal
  • Care and strategies for owning pets
  • Meditation techniques explained
  • Identifying “fake news”
  • How to play a game, e.g. checkers, tennis, card games, etc.
  • Performing a magic trick