Topic 3 Learning Objectives. By the end of this week you should be able to:

  • Describe what is Multimedia to a friend
  • Describe Multimedia Learning to a friend
  • Describe the main Multimedia Learning principles, and describe specific use cases for each principle
  • Be able to record a software or website tutorial on your computer while following multimedia learning principles
  • Be able to edit a video on your computer & upload and embed it in a blog post while following multimedia learning principles

Introduction to Topic 3:

This topic is very important as it explores more deeply some practical guidelines for designing effective multimedia learning material that we have mentioned in passing in Topics 1 & 2. To start I’d like you to listen to an audio introduction by my wonderful colleague, Kevin Alexander, to introduce the Principles of Multimedia Learning. I will then provide you with some readings and a video to give you a high-level view of each of the principles as well as some background on their origins.

An Overview of Multimedia Design for Learning

(5 min)

Multimedia Learning Principles

Please watch the excellent video below which answers the following questions:

  • What is Multimedia Learning?
  • What is Multimedia?
  • What are the Multimedia Principles?

This excellent video by Dr. Ray Pastore video also provides several examples of how educators use multimedia well and not so well while reviewing several Multimedia Learning Principles. Please take care to note the following while you watch the video (17 min):

Note: If you would like subtitles for the above video, please watch it on YouTube.

  • Which multimedia principles did Dr. Ray Pastore not follow in his video about MML principles?
  • Please take notes of the key points of the video with pen and paper as you watch it. Pausing the video can be helpful so that you don’t miss any key points as you make notes and related doodles or sketches.

Multimedia Learning Principles & Handbook of Multimedia Learning

Please do the following:

  1. Read the following summary of the Principles of Multimedia Learning
  2. Use Hypothesis to annotate (posting to our class Hypothesis Group) one or two of the principles you found most interesting, and explain how you could use it to make a better instructional presentation or instructional video
  3. Bookmark this Google doc as it is a useful summary of Multimedia Learning Principles and should be helpful when you work on some of your major assignments

Note: The chapters referenced for each principle are from The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning.

Screencasting Activity

Note: If you would like some extra support you complete this screencasting workshop activity during our optional lab time on Wednesday at 4:30 PM, or Rich’s office hours on Thursday at 4:30 PM or Friday at 4:30 PM.

  • Work through this (30 min).
    • Note: You will need to use the Chrome web browser as Screencastify is a Chrome plugin.
    • Please demonstrate how to use an aspect of a web-based game or software in your screencast in 2-minutes or less
    • When you are finished, edit your screencast video in the next activity so that you can add a title screen, transitions, and intermediate subtitle pages.

Video Editing Activity

Note: If you would like some extra support you complete this video editing workshop activity during our optional lab time on Wednesday at 4:30 PM, or Rich’s office hours on Thursday at 4:30 PM or Friday at 4:30 PM. Here is the video from the lab:

I would like everyone to develop at least a basic competency in Video editing as video editing is an important tool for creating multimedia learning objects. Here is an example of the style of video I would like everyone to create this week:

(2 min)
  • If you have a Mac please work through Activity #1 in the workshop (60 minutes), and if you own a Windows computer please work through Activity #1 in the workshop (60 min). Please note the following:
    • If you are new to video editing, please first use the videos provided in the workshop handouts, and then use the screencast video you recorded to create your own video that you will add to your blog post.
    • Add a title screen to your screencast video
    • Add transitions between video cuts in your screencast video
    • Add intermediate title pages between at least one segment of your video
    • Add your edited screen case video to your blog post by either uploading your video to your website or by uploading it to YouTube and embedding your YouTube video into your blog post

Tasks & Assignments This Week:

  1. Blog Post 3 due using the edci337blog category. Blogging prompts:
    • Which multimedia learning (MML) principles did Dr. Ray Pastore now follow in his video about MML principles? Why might an expert not be able to follow all the principles when creating a multimedia learning object?
    • Which multimedia learning principles would apply to a PowerPoint presentation in a classroom or face-to-face business meeting?
    • Provide an example of a multimedia learning principle you have intuitively followed in the past, and an example of a multimedia learning principle you have broken in the past
    • Embed two or more multimedia objects in your blog post including your edited screencast video (if you have any problems screencasting or video editing, please attend the lab or office hours for assistance). Other multimedia objects you could include are photos, videos, infographics etc.
  2. Read the following summary of the Principles of Multimedia Learning & Use Hypothesis to annotate (posting to our class Hypothesis Group) one or two of the principles you found most interesting, and explain how you could use it to make a better instructional presentation or instructional video.
  3. Join a learning pod & select a partner for Assignment 4: Multimedia Design, Create & Review group project by adding your name to this Microsft Teams hosted Word Document.


Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. (2011). In ETEC510: Design Wiki

Alexander, K. (2017). Multimedia Design for Learning—Overview [Mp3].

Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

McCue, R. (2020). Principles of Multimedia Learning—A summary. Google Docs.