
Just a couple of housekeeping items to make sure that everyone can successfully complete the Topic 2 assignment:

  1. In order to provide peer feedback for a blog post for each member of your learning pod, you need to know the web address for all the members of your learning pod. To facilitate this, please go to the learning pod spreadsheet and add your website address to your entry.
  2. If there is a member of your learning pod who has not entered their web address into the spreadsheet by the time you are ready to provide them with feedback, please email them and ask them for their website address (and also please ask them to add it to the MS Teams spreadsheet).
  3. If you cannot access the class MS Teams website for any reason, please email me with your Netlink ID and I will contact the computer help desk and ask them to add you the site manually.

Introduction to Topic 2:

There are several learning concepts that can help us describe how we learn in general and with multimedia. The two podcasts below, from my colleague Keven Alexander, introduce you to the concept of learning theories and then give an overview of the key concepts we need to learn. Following some of the podcasts, there are readings and videos that will help you develop a deeper understanding of the concepts.

A Brief History of Learning Theories:

Cognitive Theory of Multimedia:

Moving new information from sensory input to long term memory (Mayer, 2014).

Here is a more thorough explanation of the Multimedia Learning Theory. Plaese read pages 1-7: article link

Principles of Learning:

Review this short summary of each principle of learning.

The concept of Flow:

Here is an article with more details and reflections about flow from a teacher. No need to watch the embedded 18-minute TED talk by the researcher who first developed the concept of flow. Please note the links the author makes to the importance of scaffolding to help learners reach a state of flow. For those of you who have taken EDCI 336, think back to the Minecraft session, and how teachers could potentially scaffold a lesson plan to help students enter a flow state while using Minecraft to learn a new skill or master new information.

Where we Learn – Tools for Learning:

Below are links to curated lists of educational tools for K-12 and life long learners. Take a quick look and see if there are any tools that look interesting. These lists may be helpful to you as you look for a multimedia app to review for assignment 2 (first individually, and then select one as a group to do a more in-depth evaluation):

Peer Blog Post Feedback (due June 10):

This week you will contribute to the edci337 community by commenting on a blog post of all your learning pod peers. Provide feedback and/or ask questions. You should find that these interactions lead to increased traffic on your own blog, which will provide opportunities to have your thinking supported, questions to answer, and possibly new connections made.

  • Due June 10
  • The feedback should be 175-225 words or a 1-minute video on a blog post for each member of your learning pod.
  • This blog post feedback will be graded as complete/incomplete and required to progress to the Remix a Multimedia Learning Principle portion of the assignment
Screenshot of Comments

We recommend that you comment on others’ posts by creating a new post on your own site and including a link to the post you are commenting on. This will create a ‘trackback’ on the original post, which is just like a comment. Make sure you check the comments on your own website because you will have to approve them before they are visible. You will see a notification on the side menu of WordPress when you have comments that need to be approved.

Please remember that these blogs are shared publicly, as are your comments. It is important to use your comments as a way to provide supportive, constructive feedback, to initiate a conversation, or to share connections. Keep your language positive, offer suggestions, and focus on the content of the blog post.

Suggested Prompts for Blog Post Feedback:

  • My new thinking after reading your post is …
  • Your post reminded me of one of the learning theories that I read about in the 2nd topic … because …
  • I agree with the idea of … because ….
  • I am wondering if you have read this article/website/book (share a resource link)
  • I noticed that our thinking differs in this way …
  • A connection I made between your work and … is …
  • I really liked how you explained … and I am wondering if you can tell me more about …
  • Something I am wondering after reading your post is …

If you have any questions or concerns about your topic, please contact your instructor.

Optional Labs: Screen Capture / Annotation, & Sketchnoting

Start work on Group Remix of a Multimedia Learning Principle assignment:

I’ll send an email out later today with more details about how to get started on the Group Remix of a Multimedia Learning Principle assignment and update this blog post with those details.


A brief history of Learning Theories (Ariane Dumont). (n.d.). [Mp4]. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from

Summaries of Learning Theories and Models. (n.d.). Learning Theories. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from

Alexander, K. (2017). How We Learn—Learning Theories [Mp3].

Alexander, K. (2017). Learning Theories For Multimedia [Mp3].

Mac Mahon, C. (2013). Dual Coding Theory & Multimedia Learning [Mp4].

McCue, R. (2020). Intro to Image Capture & Annotation with TechSmith Capture. Google Docs.

McCue, R. (2020, June 3). EDCI 337 Topic 2 Introduction—Where and How Do We Learn, in General, and with Multimedia? [Mp4].

McCue, R. (2017). Introduction to Sketchnoting: Doodle Your Way to Better Grades. Google Docs.

Spencer, J. (2017). What is Flow Theory? What does this mean for our students? [Mp4].