Welcome to EDCI 337 – Interactive and Multimedia Learning! I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you as we develop new skills and deepen our understandings of interactive and multimedia learning together over the next three weeks. If you would like to get to know a bit more about me and my background before starting into the course, please watch the short video below.

Introducing Today’s Topic:


Now that you’ve watched the video, pelase read the articles below and think of how historical uses of of non-digital multimedia and interactive experiences (classroom, nature walks, brainstorming sessions, etc) could influence how we use digital technologies today.


  1. An article highlighting the importance of using stories in teaching: http://ajjuliani.com/hidden-importance-teaching-stories/
  2. An article highlighting non-digital interactivity used in a classroom to increase learning: http://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/tech-ed/5-interactive-teaching-styles-2/
  3. Read an edited version of Chapter 1 of Mayer’s The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, “Introduction to Multimedia Learning” (if you are having problems accessing the MS Teams hosted version you can read this HTML version of the chapter through the library website)

Setup and/or Personalize your WordPress Website:

Blogging Assignment:

  • Blogging Prompts (use some or all of them):
    • Outline one thing you hope to get out of this class, and one thing that you’re unsure about with this class.
    • To what degree was the example of Rich’s son playing a web-based game an example of interactive and/or multimedia learning?
    • Can you think of an example of an interactive or multimedia learning experience you have experienced yourself that you enjoyed or made a positive impact on you? What made it impactful to you?
    • Can you think of an example of an interactive or learning experience that did not involve digital technology that you enjoyed or made a positive impact on you? What made it a positive experience?
    • Other thoughts or reflections on interactive and multimedia learning from today’s videos and readings?
  • Due: Sunday, June 7, 11:59PM
  • Length: The blog post should be 400-500 words long or contain a 2-3 minute video that you have created
  • Post Category: Use edci337blog
  • Please use an academic style of writing and include appropriate citations
  • Please use at embed at least one image, video, or multimedia object in your post related to what you are writing about (if you are unsure how to do this please attend or view the recording of the optional WordPress lab (see below).
  • For inspiration, please take a look at this strong blog post for EDCI 335, which does a good job including multimedia, links to relevant resources, and appropriately cites articles: https://victorsblog.opened.ca/inclusive-design-meeting-needs-of-all-learners/
  • These blog posts will be graded as complete/incomplete and required to progress to the graded group remix blog post

Optional Online Lab:

WordPress – Friday, June 5, 3:00-4:00PM.

This lab will be hosted on Zoom and recorded for those who cannot make it (find the Zoom room URL at the top of the course outline that was emailed to you on June 3rd).

If you cannot make the lab time, and you are still having problems after watching the recorded video, please email me and we can arrange a time to virtually meet so I can help you.

Below is the 22-minute recorded video of the WordPress lab where we covered:

  • Embedding photos and videos in blog posts
  • Adding new categories (don’t forget a “multimedia” category)
  • Adding new menu items
  • Resetting your WordPress password
  • Making your home page a static page rather than the most recent blog posts


Juliani, A. J. (2014, January 31). The Hidden Importance of Teaching With Stories. A.J. JULIANI. http://ajjuliani.com/hidden-importance-teaching-stories/

Li, V. (2020). Inclusive Design – Meeting Needs of All Learners – Victor’s Blog. Victor’s Blog. https://victorsblog.opened.ca/inclusive-design-meeting-needs-of-all-learners/

Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139547369

McCue, R. (2020). EDCI 337  Topic 1—Introduction to Interactive & Multimedia Learning [Mp4]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V39sIKsRpUI