This post outlines adding menus and categories. See videos below.

If you already have a WordPress website that you are using for your schoolwork portfolio, we strongly encourage you to use it for EDCI 337. You only need to make two modifications to prepare it for your EDCI 337 blog posts and assignments:

  1. Add five new categories (all lower case please):
    • multimedia
      • edci337-blog
      • edci337-feedback
      • edci337-skills
      • edci337-project
  1. Add new menu items:
    • Multimedia
      • edci337-blog
      • edci337-feedback
      • edci337-skills
      • edci337-project

Add new categories to your WordPress blog by following along with this 1.5-minute video (note that the categories used in the video are different that we are using in this class, so please copy and paste the categories above when setting up your blog for EDCI 337):

Add new menu items to your WordPress blog by following along with this 2-minute video:

If you have any problems adding new categories or menu items, please contact your instructor for some help.