This section contains selected components from your course outline. For full details, please refer to the course outline that was emailed to you for your section.

Foundations for using technology in the teaching and learning process and for the development of personal learning networks to support ongoing professional development. Networked and open access technologies to enrich learning and learning of others through portfolios. Explores how to design and develop educational resources and experiences to support learning and understanding of the impact of copyright and Creative Commons in education.

Effective teachers model and apply technology standards for their students as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students to improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community. This course has goals and performance indicators aligned with the UVic Teacher Education Competencies for Teacher Education and International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) for Educators as listed below.


No textbook purchase is required. Students are required to access the course website regularly and read the Twitter stream for the EDCI 336 course community on Twitter. Any required or recommended readings will be posted on the course website or distributed electronically to the course Twitter #edci336news hashtag. You do NOT need to have any accounts in the U.S. cloud to view these materials. Students can post to the #edci336 tag. The #edci336news tag is to be reserved for instructor posts only. 

Please be familiar with the OIPC Cloud Computing Guidelines for Public Bodies and the UVic Educational Technology and Privacy Resource page and engage in any cloud-based tools only as it may be your personal preference as it is NOT required to complete this course.