Neuromyths represent misconceptions about brain research that become part of educational canon. They are used by instructors to sort and label learners or to rationalize a “best practice”.

Your OPTIONAL task for this topic is to choose one neuromyth to learn about and discuss with a peer. This is meant to be a conversational prompt, not a written assignment. As you engage in professional development or encounter motivational speakers in your studies, we encourage you to investigate the research behind the promoted program or ideas.

  1. Choose a myth that you are familiar with – ideally, one that has been shared with you as factual or helpful.
  2. Read the suggested articles within the post.
  3. Find a partner to share your thinking with. This can be a person from within your learning pod, in the class, or a colleague beyond this program. Feel free to share your thinking on the social platform of your choice, with links to articles. Your partner does not have to read the same topic.
    1. Share what your thoughts in relation to this topic were BEFORE you read the post. What did you believe to be true and why?
    2. What did you learn from the articles?
    3. What is your thinking now?
    4. What will you do with this information?